Můžete se těšit na tombolu s krásnými cenami, soutěže, DJs a hlavně na nás, třeťáky!
Prosím, přijďte dle dresscodu: sporty! Cokoli Vás napadne. Nebojte, ještě Vám sem přidáme nějakou inspiraci.
Těšíme se na Vás! Tak 21.3. na Flédě!
Sportu zdar!
Sportu zdar!
VSTUPENKY/TICKETS: https://www.smsticket.cz/.../34587-piskej-konec-zubarske...
Hello everyone!
The 2023 dental halving is here. As the title "Whistle it's over!" suggests, this year's theme is sports.
You can look forward to a raffle with beautiful prizes, competitions, DJs and especially us, third graders!
Please come according to the dress code: sports! Whatever comes to your mind. Don't worry, we'll add some inspiration here.
We look forward to you! So 21.3. on Fléda!
Good luck to the sport!
Hello everyone!
The 2023 dental halving is here. As the title "Whistle it's over!" suggests, this year's theme is sports.
You can look forward to a raffle with beautiful prizes, competitions, DJs and especially us, third graders!
Please come according to the dress code: sports! Whatever comes to your mind. Don't worry, we'll add some inspiration here.
We look forward to you! So 21.3. on Fléda!
Good luck to the sport!