150,- Kč
150,- Kč
vstup od 18 let s platným OP
Captain Morgan
Captain Morgan
Pro bližší informace sleduj:
Facebook: XY Party Crew
Instagram: @xypartycrew
Facebook: XY Party Crew
Instagram: @xypartycrew
Těšíme se na vás!
XY Party Crew
The biggest university party on the occasion of the end of the semester at Fléda! Did the exams take you really hard? Did he have to miss an event with friends to prepare for the exams? Does not matter. You can make up for everything on Tuesday 31.5. at the Semester Closing Party!
CZK 150
CZK 150
entry from 18 years with a valid OP
Captain Morgan
Captain Morgan
For more information, follow:
Facebook: XY Party Crew
Instagram: @xypartycrew
Facebook: XY Party Crew
Instagram: @xypartycrew
We look forward to you!